Get a TAO Clean Oral Hygiene Routine

Get a TAO Clean Oral Hygiene Routine

 Brushing your teeth and going about your day like you’ve always done isn’t cutting it for you anymore. You know too much about bacteria wreaking havoc on your smile causing gum disease and bad breath and from your dentist who keeps telling you to floss more. Getting rid of harmful bacteria doesn’t have to be a chore though, you just need to do the right steps in the right order to get the most out of your dental routine. Rinsing first then brushing with a clean brush then flossing and rinsing again can seem like a lot but it’s just a few minutes of your day that will have a big impact on your overall health and your dentist visits.


Usually we end our dental routine with a mouthwash, but that isn’t the only recommended time we should be using one. If you use an alcohol based antibacterial mouth rinse before brushing your teeth, you’re better able to remove bacteria and food particles, which makes brushing even easier. If you use a mouthwash containing cetylpyridinium chloride, chlorhexidine or fluoride, then you’ll also be reducing bad breath, controlling plaque and gingivitis, and preventing tooth decay. You can get so many benefits from incorporating this initial step, so try rinsing beforehand and see how impressed your dentist is next time you see her.


This step is skipped by so many, but is the most crucial when preventing buildup of bacteria under your teeth and gums. You can use a mouthwash and a UV Sanitizer, but without flossing you still aren’t entirely preventing gum disease that can affect your mouth and body. Not flossing has been connected to diseases like heart disease, diabetes and even erectile dysfunction because the bacteria in your mouth is allowed to travel throughout your body causing inflammation when it ideally should be removed. After you floss properly using a new section of floss in between each tooth, you must rinse your mouth again to remove any dislodged particles. In this case, a whitening mouthwash containing hydrogen peroxide would be a great way to finish your routine as it covers all concerns you may have for your mouth.  

Now that you know how crucial preventing bacteria is for your smile and for your health, we hope you use these steps to get the most out of your tooth brushing experience. Preventing bacteria is the easiest way to avoid dental work and diseases in the future, so even if you start with one extra step you’ll see a major difference in how your smile looks and how you feel.  


The biggest concern with brushing outside of incorrect technique, is the bacteria growing on your toothbrush. Using a Tao Clean Toothbrush means that you don’t have to worry about either of these problems because the electric brush does the scrubbing for you and the UV Sanitizer removes any pathogens that could be living on your brush. If you don’t have a sanitizer at home yet, try soaking your brush in peroxide for five seconds and rinse it to remove some bacteria. Brushing your teeth with a clean toothbrush is common sense to get a healthy smile, but if you let bacteria thrive on your brush, then the other steps become even more vital to you protecting your teeth. 

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